سعر Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر

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إشترى أفضل سعر ومواصفات Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر

Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White)

655.00 جنيه 

معلومات المنتج





    العلامة التجارية







    العلامة التجارية





    الرقم المميز للسلعة


    إقرأ المزيد



    This electric blackhead remover has is for solving many skin problems such ascoarse pore, rough skin, dark skin, exfoliate dead skin, blackhead and pore of skin, dirt nose. So it can lift skin elasticity and make the skin tighten and give you a beautiful face. It is small, light and portable,

    This electric blackhead remover has is for solving many skin problems such ascoarse pore, rough skin, dark skin, exfoliate dead skin, blackhead and pore of skin, dirt nose. So it can lift skin elasticity and make the skin tighten and give you a beautiful face. It is small, light and portable, suitable for many plays such as office, school, travel and outdoor.

    1. The facial pore cleaner is easy to wash.
    2. The 5 suction strength stalls is adjustable.
    3. The pore vacuum cleaners head is replaceable
    4. The electric blackhead remover with a LCD display, you can see the suction strength level and electricity condition clearly.

    Material: ABS(plastic)
    Color: warm white
    Modes: 5 suction strength levels can be adjusted
    Suction: about 68Kpa
    Charging method: USB charging
    Battery: Built-in 900mAh rechargeable lithium battery(when it is full it can continue work for 3.5 hours on the strongest level)
    Power: 5W
    Power supply voltage: 5V
    charge time:2 hours

    1. Don't press the replacement head strongly on your skin, and place it on one place for a long time.
    2. Don't soak the product in the water.
    3. Don't use it too often, use it 1-2 times a week.

    Use steps
    1. Before using it, please use a hot steamer to open up your face pores the effect will be better.
    2. According to your requirements, choose among the 5 Level Suction, start with the lowest.
    3. Every time use time is in 4-6 minutes.
    4. After Skin care, wash your face with cold water in order to shrink pores.

    Package Included:
    1 Blackhead Remover
    4 replacement head
    1 USB Charging Cable (without adapter)
    1 packet(5 sponge and 2 apron)
    1 User Instructions

    if you have any questions you can contact us and we will try every effort to deal with it.

    إقرأ المزيد

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إشترى أفضل Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر

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سعر Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
مواصفات Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
صور Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
مراجعات وتقييمات Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
عروض وخصومات Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
منتجات مشابهه ل Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر

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هجوم: سعر Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
سعر Blackhead Remover, Suction Microdermabrasion Machine with USB Charged/LCD Display/Low noise for Removing Blackhead, Acne, Grease and Dead Skin‫(Warm White) من سوق كوم مصر
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