إشترى أفضل سعر ومواصفات Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape جني...
إشترى أفضل سعر ومواصفات Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape
جنيه 55
مواصفات المنتج
Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape
Size: 4.9 x 6.5 cm
Net weight: 16 g
Color: Red Green
Material: Silicone
Easy to open, close and clean
Lovely Strawberry Silicone Tea Infuser
Suitable for use in teapot, teacup and more
Attractive strawberry design with flexible leaf handle
Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape
Size: 4.9 x 6.5 cm
Net weight: 16 g
Color: Red Green
Material: Silicone
Easy to open, close and clean
Lovely Strawberry Silicone Tea Infuser
Suitable for use in teapot, teacup and more
Attractive strawberry design with flexible leaf handle
Ideal to brew the most flavorful loose tea or tea bag
المواصفات الرئيسية
- Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape
اللون: N/A
الخامه الرئيسية: N/A
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سعر Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
مواصفات Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
صور Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
مراجعات وتقييمات Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
عروض وخصومات Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
منتجات مشابهه ل Generic Infuser Strainer Fruit Strawberry Shape من جوميا مصر
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