My First Colonic Irrigation Hydrotherapy: Hayley Pearce

Formule Naturelle De Nettoyage Du Colon Hayley Pearce puts weight loss quick fixes to the test as she explores the rise and impact of the c...

Formule Naturelle De Nettoyage Du Colon

Hayley Pearce puts weight loss quick fixes to the test as she explores the rise and impact of the cult of skinny. This obsession and the extreme lengths to which some people will go to reach a certain size. This leads Hayley to try her first colonic hydrotherapy.

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Formule Naturelle De Nettoyage Du Colon



بلوجر: 41
  1. Well if that's the case just take some meralax!!

  2. Lord, how annoying was she. Fussing and carrying on like a child...

  3. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮💩💩💩💩💩

  4. What an embarrassing thing to do! What an entertaining lady! Professionals are supposed to be profesisonal, people, why must the presenter be stiff too? Good one, lady, it'd be too perverse and weird to watch this without your commentary!
    Let them stiff upper lippers comment on your feet and 'common tramp' ness. Most of us in the world beyond Britain don't care, you're cool and easy going.

  5. Это что каки выходят из попы

  6. This is a total shit idea. Can perforate the bowel. No reason to do this.

  7. Why em I watching someone taking a shit I sometimes wonder about my life choices

  8. She's funny !!! That was a beast !!!!!!! Lol...omg

  9. When you over eating your bowl ever stretch and began to damage you organs such kidney, lungs, and if you male you might even damage prostate, PLEASE people exercise

  10. I will never se her the same ever again

  11. Am I the only person who came here because I wanted to know what it was because of BitLife

  12. The colour is mucus, not toxins. And the bowels are constantly emptying themselves out, so from a medical perspective, this is quite misleading.

  13. I would be worried about it hurting I see you don't have anything to put you too sleep

  14. I swear I just saw Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi swim by...

  15. Evolution took millions of years. Probably best to trust nature on its clean out methods.

  16. I've done something like this. It does not work for everyone not sure why

  17. Here's my advice: WALK ON YOUR FEET MORE!

  18. It would help if she wasn’t so immature about it.

  19. Did this whole thing just take place in that shed..?

  20. Don't act like it is the first time someone shoved something up there.

  21. I'm studying best natural treatment for colon cleansing and found an awesome website at Dajons Health Plan (check it out on google)

  22. hi guys, the best results that i've had was by using the Dajons health plan (i found it on google) - without a doubt the most useful method that I have ever tried.

  23. hi guys, the best results that I have had was by following the Dajons Health Plan (i found it on google) - without a doubt the best method that I've followed.

  24. hi guys, the best results that I have had was by following the Dajons Health Plan (i found it on google) - without a doubt the best method that I've followed.

  25. I've been researching colon cleansing quickly and found an awesome website at Dajons Health Plan (google it if you are interested)


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هجوم: My First Colonic Irrigation Hydrotherapy: Hayley Pearce
My First Colonic Irrigation Hydrotherapy: Hayley Pearce
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