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Samsung Galaxy A51 vs A71 Camera Comparison Test: Crazy Difference!
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Im still wondering about the video... Are both steady enough if we take a video while walking?
ردحذفCurrently Using Samsung's Galaxy A10 and planning to jump on Galaxy A71, Might be a very big jump( improvement). ❤❤
ردحذفI think the a51 did the better job
ردحذفI always use the front cam more than the back, and I always look for reviewers test it for low light conditions, thank goodness atleast there are some in here...
ردحذفAnd another flipside is I like taking pic of foods and i guess macro cams could help with that a bit too, which, tech vloggers dont really find too useful lol...
Does the fingerprint scanner absolutely suck on A71?
ردحذفA51 camera more like s10 lite..S10,A51 captures accuarate and dull pictures whereas A71 sharper..Damn just cancelled a71 to get s10 lite..now dunno what to do
ردحذفAt 9:20 mouths of statues are open in one and closed in the other but how???
ردحذفMy only issue with the A71 is that when you upload onto Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc it looks really bad. It's been a minute since I had a Samsung after using a Huawei..but it's very jarring especially when you produce content.
ردحذفIs there a work around? I'd prefer a Huawei but it doesn't have Google play.
A71 is a good choice
ردحذفAwesome videos bro. New subscriber☺️
ردحذفguys does anybody know if the a71 can shoot ultra wide slowmo?
ردحذفBeen looking at comparison videos of newest phones. Dude, you just sold me an A71. Haha. Really nice cam there. Thanks! Newly subbed.
ردحذفjust bought the a51. Why is the selfie camera in mid-lowlight situations is so laggy and foggy?
ردحذفEntendi nada kkk
ردحذفWhat scares me here is the Exynos processor in the A51 without forgetting the GPU.
ردحذفBought the a51, planned on using it to begin my youtube channel(im a young widow, raising my baby niece and had about $600 max to play with and planned to buy lights/mic ect) as soon as I got the a51 I panicked (yesterday) photos look really over processed. Do you think the a71 would work well enough to start a channel with or should I go to the s10
ردحذفI like the A51 better than A71
ردحذفSamsung a71 here but i tried checking the cam on shops with same model and the heck it got different quality with the one i bought. Feel like i was fooled been using the phone for 3 months
ردحذفRegards from commune Salamanca, Chile !!!
ردحذفIntall Gcam PMGC_7.0.009_FinalRelesedVersion_V10.apk of Parrot043 in Galaxy A71.
Is incredible, wow, very very better.
looking from my A71 ✌
Good video, congratulations!!!
I wish the front-facing camera in the A71 was as small as the one in the A51
ردحذفThank you for making this video. I think I prefer photos from the A51 they just look pleasing. Accurate or not.
ردحذفA71 all the way and u look better looking in a71 haha
ردحذفa71 much better
ردحذفI wanted to buy a new phone for a long time (I still have a Samsung J5 2016), and I'm indecise between buying the A51 and the A71. The most important characteristics for me on a phone are the camera and the battery. So I have a question for you. If you had to choose between spent:
ردحذف1 - €187,50 in a A51 or,
2 - €403,75 in a A71 or,
3 - wait more time to the price of A71 decrease or to get more points to buy it at €332,50 what would you do?
I really want my money to be well spent
. So first of all, thank you for all of your videos, I really don't know how your work isn't more recognized.
I'll wait for your feedback before I take my final decision. Thank you.
please compare a71 vs pixel 3a. There are no camera comparison between these 2 phone anywhere. Price and spec wise they are quite similar except for the look of-course. It will be interesting to know how far pixel camera is ahead of A71.
ردحذفI liked them both, but the photos on A71 looks more satured.
ردحذفI'm currently deciding on which phone to buy, especially with a better selfie cam and this video just made my decision, lol thanks mate. Was thinking of Vivo S1 but guess I'll go with the A51 . Great Video btw☺
ردحذفi have a50 [6gb ram and 128gb room] should i buy a71 ?
ردحذفHow long life hour batery in a51? Pliss reply
ردحذفThe a71 front facing camera appears to be much better, which people tend to dislike because it shows imperfections in complexion and harsh lines/wrinkles on skin. So, the A51 is a more likeable front facing because it hides much of that.
ردحذفLol A51 is close enough to A71 but loses in video.