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Samsung Galaxy A51 vs A71 Comparison! Which One Should You Buy?
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2020-02-18 06:45:19
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أفضل موبايل فى مصر Samsung Galaxy A51 vs A71 Comparison! Which One Should You Buy?
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Samsung Galaxy A51 vs A71 Comparison! Which One Should You Buy?
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I have got the A51! I recon it is really good and can handle a lot, I decided to play Minecraft, Minecraft earth, pokemon go, and watch Netflix all at the same time and it handled it like a charm. The A51 is still suuuoer powerful and definitely a good upgrade from my old phone being the samsung galaxy J5 prime.
ردحذفI wanted to buy the a71 but the store we went into had no stocks to it and they encouraged me to buy the a51 instead, so i bought one today. And i loved to get the prism white one but what they have are black and blue, so i go for prism blue. I was hoping this phone could last for years cause I'm broke lol.
ردحذفWhich one would you get? A51 or A71?
ردحذفA71 (Amazon) https://geni.us/8wq0srB
A51 (Amazon): https://geni.us/9LiUm
A51 (B&H): https://bhpho.to/38wYxcK
does the a51 have some lag issues using the phone, opening apps and stuff ? Is there so much difference to a71 with snapdragon?
ردحذفI love the A51's look so much! I just wish it had better performance.
ردحذفWell, your no help.
ردحذفShould I replace my Galaxy S7 Edge with either of these phones?
ردحذفThe S7 has a camera and 14cm(5.5" for u americans) screen with 1440p max resolution.
I'm asking as the S7 has received its last security update recently. Futhermore, I don't have cash for a flagship.
I was told Samsung actually makes the display for the apple phones.
ردحذفI got a51 with 8gb ram and 128gb storage. 😚😚😚😚
ردحذفAm getting a a 51 is it worth it
ردحذفI'm using A51 and so far it does the job. As a daily driver for sms, emails and calls it works for me but for gamers, nah! Call of Duty lags pretty much everytime.
ردحذفOne thing I like with a51 is the screen as it's enomoursly large but its weight is very light. As if you dont have a phone in your pocket. 😀
ردحذفIm gonna get the a51
ردحذفCan i say first that u are so handsome i love your look im obsessed ahaa
ردحذفJust got my a71 yesterday, immediately amazed by the quality!
ردحذفI went with the Samsung Galaxy A71 with 8GB RAM. Got an amazin' price on it of $350!
ردحذفThanx for comparison ill go for A71, because its better camera, and fast processing
ردحذفWhich one has the louder speaker?
ردحذفThe a71 is rlly good. Im a heavy gamer and i once played pubg on smooth and ultra for some heavy hours. There was no drop in performance whatsoever. Geekbench also showed that the internals were all good as well
ردحذفWhat is the main difference between S and A
ردحذفAudio is so less
ردحذفvollume isnt enough as compared to other videos
ردحذفAfter I went on a really great 18-day long vacation trip over 9 western European cities for just EUR 1,500 all included, I will never again buy flagship phones. A phone for a price of a vacation? -_-
ردحذفI just picked A71 :)
ردحذفDefinitely A71 is better choice
ردحذفI wish i could buy one of them
ردحذفIf I get an unlocked version will it work with MetroPCS? This is the part that confuses me the most with unlocked phones lol
ردحذفAfter watching this review I'll definitely get the A71.
ردحذفWas I the only one triggered by the difference in tempersture that both phones show ?
ردحذفWhich is the strogest phone?
ردحذفPlease compare the audio-in of the 2 fones when it comes to video recording. Which has the best microphone?
ردحذفI have been using the a51, and there is a way to make the phone much faster. Go into developer settings and change the animation speed to 0.5x. I saw a huge performance boost.