HOW TO CREATE SEAMLESS INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL USING CANVA FOR FREE. In today's video, I will walk you through how to create an Instagram Car...
HOW TO CREATE SEAMLESS INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL USING CANVA FOR FREE. In today's video, I will walk you through how to create an Instagram Carousel with Canva. This is a full Instagram carousel tutorial that shows you step-by-step how to design Instagram carousel and how to split it. If you want to grow on Instagram, carousels are great way to generate traction, get more saves and increase engagement. After you watch this video, you'll know exactly what dimensions to choose, how to make the most of the space Instagram lets you use, how to create visual cues and include enticing calls to action throughout the post. Plus, I'm sharing a free tool to show you how to split a carousel image. This is a great tutorial to teach you how to post on Instagram without showing your face.
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00:00 - Intro
01:13 - Tip #1 What are the best dimensions for Instagram Carousel
02:54 - How to create slides
03:32 - Adding background color
03:42 - Adding text to Carousel
05:04 - Tip #2 How to ensure none of the content is cut off
06:30 - Adding elements (IG handle, arrows)
09:03 - Adding elements to make the Carousel seamless
10:45 - How to make a seamless Carousel by adding cut out images
13:02 - What to include at the end of the carousel
14:24 - Adding a stroke to the image
17:45 - How to make sure our secondary calls to action are positioned correctly
22:05 - Adding secondary Calls to Action (save & like)
22:53 - Download a finished Instagram Carousel
23:23 - How to split Instagram Carousel using Pinetools
24:16 - How to upload a Carousel to your Instagram
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WHO I AM: I'm Natalia, a content marketing specialist living in Edinburgh, Scotland. I create videos around marketing, productivity and optimization of your content creation process.
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#InstagramCarousel #CanvaTutorial #Canva
How to Create INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL post with Canva | Step by Step Canva Tutorial
Video and Tutorial canva tutorial From YouTube
How to Create INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL post with Canva | Step by Step Canva Tutorial
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Video and Tutorial Date : How to Create INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL post with Canva | Step by Step Canva Tutorial From YouTube
2021-03-29 12:00:03
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Natalia Kalinska Channel
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How to Create INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL post with Canva | Step by Step Canva Tutorial
Is it the same steps creating it on canva app on iphone? Im trying to create it on my phone, however the instruction you giving is different than the iphone.
ردحذفThank you for sharing this golden nugget on instagram carousel. Please help with more designs on youtube thumbnails.
ردحذفAwesome tutorial. Your articulation really brings clarity.
ردحذفSubscribed, thanks for the tutorial really appreciate it.
ردحذفThank you for your help! This was a great video!!!
ردحذفThanks for your kind help and that fantastic tutorial videos. May you make a video about making a mobile App using Canva, please?
ردحذفGreat, I'll try this. sure!
ردحذفThank you, Natalia. I appreciate our hard work in putting up such a wonderful video on Canva. I would appreciate if you can also include how to integrate background music as well as voice over in the presentation. Thank you once again.
ردحذفWhy and why and why you speak a lot😐make your work....
ردحذفextremely useful video, Love this. How would you incorporate a video clip into this though? I've tried to make separate slides with video elements but instagram wouldn't let me upload (error message)
ردحذفshould I just not bother with video or split it into separate posts in and of itself?
I absolutely love it! Thank you Natalia for what you are doing. I've already created my LinkInBio with your tutorial. Now can't wait to start doing the carousel with you!
ردحذفYou are great ,thanks a lot for this😍❤
ردحذفIt's nice..❤️but when I want to split that not splitting can u tell me what's my mistake in making carousel?
ردحذفThis video is fantastic. Thanks for posting. I enjoy watching your channel. So many useful tips!
ردحذفHow u drop down the text from left to right??? Is there any simple trick???
ردحذفThank you for all the tips!
ردحذفOne issue that I've found with Canva is that it doesn't let you set custom dimensions larger than 8000px, so that kind of a pain if you're thinking to create longer flows.
One possible solution would be lowering dimensions whilst maintaining proportions but I don't know if the image quality would be suffer too much from it, have you ever thought about it?
Very helpful tutorial I love using Canva for instagram and also on Linkedin too for sliders.
ردحذفThank you so much for your tutorials. As a slightly older lady, I’ve found them very useful for my Instagram business account 😂.
ردحذفI would love to know how I could add an order form to insta please 😊
I can't thank you enough for this video! 👌👌👌👌👌
ردحذفI want to make attractive feed for Clothing brand in instgram. Help me
ردحذفthank you for the great tutorial! May I know the color gradient for the blue background you used in the video?
ردحذفFantabulous teaching..Yet a another teaching I have ever seen before. To be honest from past two week I was really addicted to your page. A detailed and clear explanation. Hats off 👏
ردحذفHi, What screen recording are you using? Thanks
ردحذفYou earned a subscriber
ردحذفThanks so much for sharing. Great video!
ردحذفwill you make the same for a financial industry like financial advisors
Very useful video (even though I do not do Instagram carousel) but I am still learning some skills for my Youtube channel design <3
ردحذفSO helpful - thank you!!
ردحذفThere is a reason why this video has zero dislikes 🔥
ردحذفBecause this is what valuable content is 💯💯
Hey Natalia, This was awesome. I created a beautiful carosel however I used a gif for my first slide. Do you know if this will still work when it comes to splitting it
This video is a FANTASTIC RESOURCE: 1 quick question though: I noticed the image quality was compressed quite a bit. Does anyone know any ways around this? I want the image to be SUPER sharp and it's a bit blurry that's all. Thanks ahead!
ردحذفSaw at least 5-6 videos until I ended up to this and believe me, it's the best video so far. Thanks for explaining bit-by-bit! Learnt a lot!
ردحذفBut how do you split up the carousel from canva if there was any animated elements? It looks like pine tools will only give me an output of image files.
ردحذفPlease help!
Hello. When I use pinetools to break the photo up into 5 separate photos it doesn't work right. Part of the photos get cut off. Can you give me the exact dimensions that you used in canva to divide the one photo to make it 5 photos in pinetools? Thank you.
ردحذفSuch a great tutorial
ردحذفI'm halfway through this video which is the second one I'm watching... I can easily tell I'm going to binge this channel! So good! more more more. :-D Thank you!
ردحذفCan you use this for the stories instead of a post?
ردحذفI love it.... How you doing on OFA? Also do you accept freelance project?
ردحذفI love your channel!!!
ردحذفHi, just a question, will there be extra payment if I were to include a member to my team in Canva?
ردحذفNataili, u always make my day love ❤️ u from California 😉
ردحذفSuper Natalia :) Canva to jednak kombajn! Tyle możliwości a coraz to nowe opcje dochodzą!
ردحذفWow! Thanks!
ردحذفThanks for the tutorial, very informative!
ردحذفThis is GOLD thankYOU