"Pinky Moge Wali" is a Punjabi film starring Neeru Bajwa and Gavie Chahal. The movie got released on 28th September,2012 The film...
"Pinky Moge Wali" is a Punjabi film starring Neeru Bajwa and Gavie Chahal. The movie got released on 28th September,2012
The film's title "Pinky Moge Wali" comes from the popular character introduced in Punjabi movie "Jihne Mera Dil Lutya".
Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal
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Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal
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Video and Tutorial Rating : Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal From YouTube
Video and Tutorial Date : Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal From YouTube
2012-11-24 12:58:09
The Video and Tutorial Duration : Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal From YouTube
Video and Tutorial Maker Name for : Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal From YouTube
T-Series Apna Punjab Channel
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Video and Tutorial Link for Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal From YouTube
Image of Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal From YouTube

Pinky Moge Wali | Full Punjabi Movie | Neeru Bajwa | Gavie Chahal
Sch me pyaar paisa ni dekhta❤️❤️
ردحذفBaba raid
ردحذفANYONE IN 2021
ردحذفAnyone in 2021
ردحذفVery nice
ردحذفFzul the irritating movie
ردحذفBeautiful, yes neeru bajwa is so so talented plus versatile, I think she and binnu dhilllon are one of the best actors not in Punjab but in the world. Very soon they will be top recognized in Bollywood and Hollywood
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ردحذفAnyone in 2021
ردحذفtremendous, #Grandlines
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ردحذفtremendous, #Grandlines
ردحذف2 Heroin Neero or Sonam punjaabi moveis mai baaqi andy dy rai🤣
ردحذفBillo wla song ies movei ka tha🤦
ردحذفGood 💪
ردحذفneeru di superb actor or ha ab toh pinky 2 ki shooting ho rhi hh
ردحذفDamn... 👊
ردحذفAmazing beat, What a sound 🔥🔥🔥
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